Portfolio Updates from Study Day

Portfolio Updates from Study Day

by Robin Smith -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

At the Study Day last week a number of questions were asked about portfolio evidence, forms etc. Here are the answers:

  1. Observations 1&2 for Chaplaincy students - no chaplaincy-specific form was on MyCYM.
    These are being uploaded today hopefully. If you have already completed an observation and used the existing form, this is fine - use what you have done.
  2. Cover Sheets for evidence A2 (4 pieces of evidence...).
    A proforma is now available to complete (1 form to cover all 4 pieces of evidence). This includes a small reflective piece on how you manage the work safely which should ideally include a brief relfection on theology and/or theory.
  3. Main Placement Setup Documentation - the handbook asks you to upload a 'Placement Information Sheet' which was not provided. As I suggested last week this is an error and is not required. 
  4. Alternative Placement 'End of Placement Assessment' form
    This is now uploaded and available on MyCYM. 
I hope that all makes sense. As always please ask if not.
